of the Korean Fine Arts Association
Korean Fine Arts Association
Korean National Committee of International Association of Arts
Location: 923-6 Mok-1dong, Yangcheon-ku, Seoul, Korea 158-050
(Room 904, Korean Arts Center))
Telephone: 82-2-744-8053/4
Facsimile: 82-2-741-6240
Homepage: www.kfaa.or.kr
Representative: LEE KWANGSOO(Watercolour)
Established on: December 18,1962
¡¤Endeavors to advance the nation's fine arts;
¡¤Advocates the rights and interests of artists;
¡¤Promotes the international exchange of the fine arts;
¡¤Encourages the mutual assistance among artists.
The Association, a corporate juridical person aimed at facilitating
good-will and amicability in artists' circles and protecting
the interests of artists, also suggests policy recommendations
that would contribute to the enhancement of the nation's fine
Projects Undertaken:
¡¤Projects related to creative activities:
¡¤Projects related to publication and awareness campaign:
¡¤Projects related to international flow of fine arts and culture:
¡¤Projects related to maintaining and promoting the members'
rights and amicable relations
¡¤Other projects conducive to the development of culture and
fine arts.
Decision-making Organs:
¡¤General Assembly and Board of Directors (directors' meeting):
¡¤12 Sectoral Committees (Oriental Painting, Western Painting
I & II,
Sculpture, Handicraft, Calligraphy, Woodcut Print, Review &
Design, Administration, Video-installation, Scholars' Painting)
¡¤7 Committees (Steering, Planning, International Relations,
Projects, Finance, Policy, Chapter Management) |