  Organization Chart
  Functional Structure
  Major Performance
  Ministry and Authorities Concerned
and Relevant Organizations
  Affiliated Organizations
  List of Branches
  Articles of Association I II III
  Articles of Association IV V VI
  Articles of Association VII VIII IX

Articles of Associations

Chapter ¥³

Article 19 (Composition) The General Assembly is the highest decision-making organ which is composed of Members.

Article 20 (Sessions and Convocation)

¨çThe General Assembly will meet in Ordinary and Extraordinary Sessions.

¨èOrdinary Session of the General Assembly will be convened by Chairman once a year in the month of January.

¨éWhen Chairman wishes to convene the General Assembly, he should explicitly notify Members of the agenda, the date and hour and the place in writing senven days prior to the convocation place in writing seven days prior to the convocation

Article 21 (Menners to be Referred) Matters to be referred to the General Assembly are as follows:

¨çMatters relating to projects to be undertaken:

¨èMatters relating to budget and settlenent:

¨éMatters relating to disposal of basic assets and to indebtedness:

¨êMatters relating to revision of the Articles of Association:

¨ëMatters relating to reelection of Executives:

¨ìOther matters considered by the Board of Directors as necessary.

Article 22 (Special Convocation)

¨çChairman should convene the General Assembly, when each of the following requests for convocation is made, within twenty days after the request:

1.a request made by a majority of registered Directors together with a written purpose of the meeting:

2.a request made by Auditor in accordance with Article 18:

3.a request made by over one fifth of registered Members together with a written purpose of the meeting

¨èWhen the convocation of the General Assembly becomes impossible for over seven days due to the absence or evasion of the authorized person, it can be convened by the consent of a majority of registered Directors or over one fifth of registered Members and with the permission of the Minister of Culture and Public Information.

¨éWhen the General Assembly is convened in accordance with Paragraph 2, the eldest of the Directors in attendance will preside over the meeting to elect its chairman.

Article 23 (Quorum)

¨çThe General Assembly opens validly with the attendance of a majority of registered Members and makes its decisions by the consent of a majority of the Members present.

¨èAs regards matters to be referred to the General Assembly, a decision can be made in writing when the Board of Directors deems it urgent.

¨éAttendance at the General Assembly can be made by proxy, in which case no voting right can be exercised.

Chapter ¥´ Board of Directors

Article 24 (Composition) The Board of Directors consists of Directors (including Chairman and Vice-Chairmen).

Article 25 (Convocation) Chairman convenes the General Assembly by explicitly notifying Members of the agenda, the date and hour and the place in writing seven days prior to the convocation. However, he can convene it by telephone in case of emergency.

Article 26 (Special Convocation)

¨çChairman should convene the Board of Directors, when each of the following requests for convocation is made, within twenty days after the request:

1.a request made by a majority of registered Directors together with a written purpose of the meeting:

2.a request made ny Auditor in accordance with Article 18.

¨èWhen the convocation of the Board of Directors becomes impossible for over seven days due to the absence or evasion of the authorized person, it can be convened by the consent of the majority of registered Directors and with the permission of the Minister of Culture and Public Information.

¨éWhen the Board of Directors is convened in accordance with Paragraph 2, the eldest of the Directors in attendance will preside over the meeting to elect its chairman.

Article 27 (Matters to be Referred) Matters to be referred to the Board of Directors are as follows:

¨çMatters relating to the execution of the decision of the agenda items to be referred to the General Assembly:

¨èMatters relating to the preliminary deliberation of the agenda items to be referred to the General Assembly

¨éMatters relating to the enactment, revision and abrogation of provisions:

¨êMatters relating to the preparation of budget and settlement:

¨ëMatters relating to the operation of projects:

¨ìMatters entrusted by the General Assembly:

¨íOther matters proposed by Chairman as being important to the management of the Association.

Article 28 (Quorum) The Board of Directors opens validly with the attendance of a majority of registered Directors and makes its decisions by the consent of a majority of the Directors present.

Chapter ¥µ Committees

Article 29 (Classification)

¨çThe Association has the following Sectoral Committees:

1.Sectoral Committee of Oriental Painting:

2.Sectoral Committee of Western Painting I:

3.Sectoral Committee of Western Painting II:

4.Sectoral Committee of Sculpture:

5.Sectoral Committee of Handicrafts:

6.Sectoral Committee of Calligraphy:

7.Sectoral Committee of Woodcut Print:

8.Sectoral Committee of Review and Research:

9.Sectoral Committee of Design:

10.Sectoral Committee of Administration:

11.Sectoral Committee of Video and Installation:

12.Sectoral Committee of Scholastic Painting.

¨èThe Association has the following Committees:

1.Planning Committee:

2.International Relations Committee:

3.Steering Committee.

¨éThe Association can set up Special Committee to achieve its objectives. Provided, Special Committee is created by the resolution of the Board of Directors.

¨êThe Association sets up an independant Committee is created by the resolution of the Board of Directors.

Article 30 (Compositon)

¨çEach Sectoral Committee consists of 30 members or less (The Directors referred to in Paragraph 3 of Article 11 automatically become members of the pertinent Sectoral Committees).

¨èMembers of each Sectoral Committee are elected by the nomination of the Board of Directors and with the approval of the General Assembly.

¨éPlanning Committee consists of 20 members or less: Internationl Relations Committee consists of 11 members or less

¨êChairman appoints Committee members upon the recommendation of Committee chairman and with the approval of the Board of Directors.

¨ëMembers of Sectoral Committees and members of Committees remain in office for three years. However, members chosen in by-elections will remain in office during the remainder of their predecessors' term.

Article 31 (Committee chairman)

¨çEach Sectoral Committee chairman is appointed from among the Directors referred to in Paragraph 3 of Article 11 by the nomination of the Board of Directors and with the approval of the General Assembly.

¨èVice-Chairman responsible for planning becomes Planning Committee chairman.

¨éVice-Chairman responsible for international relations becomes International Relations Committee chairman.

¨êVice-Chairman responsible for steering becomes Steering Committee chairman.

Article 32 (Matters to be referred)

¨çEach Sectoral Committee makes decisions on matters pertaining to it, including its own management and the evaluation of membership applications before referring the decisions to the Board of Directors.

¨èPlanning Committee makes decisions in matters relating to the protection of artists' rights and interests, exhibition plans and the development of fine arts and culture before referring the decisions to the Board of Directors.

¨éInternational Relations Committee makes decisions on matters relating to the international exchange of fine arts and culture, the collection and study of data concerning fine arts and selection of artists to participate in international exhibitions before referring the decisions to the Board of Directors.

¨êSteering Committee carries out the work relating to the management of Scholarship Fund (1st sub-committee) and the publication of the Association's bulletin (2nd sub-committee) and reports the results to the Board of Directors.

Article 33 (Convocation)

¨çThe meetings of Sectoral Committees and Committees are convened by chairmen.

¨èThe provisions of Article 26 apply to the quorum of the Committees.

  All Rights reserved under The Korean Fine Arts Association.