  Organization Chart
  Functional Structure
  Major Performance
  Ministry and Authorities Concerned
and Relevant Organizations
  Affiliated Organizations
  List of Branches
  Articles of Association I II III
  Articles of Association IV V VI
  Articles of Association VII VIII IX
Affiliated Organizations

¢ºKorean Federation of Cultural and Arts Organizations

¡¤Establishment: The Inaugural General Assembly was held at National Assembly building on January 5, 1962 with 10 participant organizations (Architecture, Korean Classical Music, Dancing, Literature, Fine Arts, brought into being as a civilian body of national importance which is capable of closing the ranks of solidarity among artists, strengthening their social rights and interests, and putting up a unified front

to deal with the problems of art culture and artists.

¡¤Authorities Concerned: Matters issuing forth from the authorities concerned pass through the Federation down to the constituent organization (except the independant activities of the constituent organization).

¡¤Participation: Board of Directors consist of three directors from each constituent organization, (of which one is by right the general manager of the Federation's branch office).

¡¤President: Lee Seong-lim (Korean Classical Music)

¡¤Director for Fine Arts: Kwak Suk-son, Kim Kyung-Hwa, Moon Gon (General Manager of Daegu Branch Office of the Federation)

¡¤Auditor: Lee Seung-hwan, Ha Cheol-gyeong

¢ºInternational Association of Arts

¡¤Established: in 1954 in Venice.

¡¤Objective: Non-political artists' organization established to facilitate the relations among the artists the world over and to support the social and econimic status and their rihgts.

¡¤Date of Accession: August 9, 1962

¡¤Number of Member Countries: 81 nations

¡¤General Assembly: Convened every three years by turns is a member country to discuss matters in hand

¡¤Executive Committee: Consist of 13 member countries (elected by the General Assembly)

¡¤Membership Fee: SF 1,990 (members possessed of a membership ID are exempt from admission fees or given a discount for all art halls and museums.

¡¤Participation: The Federation took part in the fourth General Assembly held in 1963 in New York through to the 14th General Assembly which took place in 1995 in Mexico (It hosted the 13th General Assembly in 1992 in Seoul)

  All Rights reserved under The Korean Fine Arts Association.