  Organization Chart
  Functional Structure
  Major Performance
  Ministry and Authorities Concerned
and Relevant Organizations
  Affiliated Organizations
  List of Branches
  Articles of Association I II III
  Articles of Association IV V VI
  Articles of Association VII VIII IX
Articles of Associations

Chapter ¥¶ Finance

Article 34 (Assets)

¨çThe Association's Property consists of basic assets and ordinary assets.

¨èBasic assets are decided by the resolution of the Board of directors.

¨éChanges in basic assets including their disposal and lease should be made by revising the Articles of Association through the decision of the General Assembly.

Article 35 (Revenues) The Association appropriates its expenditures from the following revenues:

¨çMembership fees:

¨èAdmittance fees:



¨ëOther incomes:

Article 36 (Fiscal Year) The Association's fiscal year corresponds to that of the Government.

Article 37 (Compilation of the Budget) The Association's budget should be compiled one month prior to the beginning of each fiscal year before being resolved by the Board of Directors and approved by the General Assembly.

Article 38 (Settlement) The Association should prepare a settlement of accounts two month prior to the closing of each fiscal year before being resolved by the Board of Directors and approved by the General Assembly.

Article 39 (Audit of Accounts) Auditors should conduct audits more than twice a year.

Chapter ¥· Secretariat

Article 40 (Formation) Secretariat can be set up to handle the affairs of the Association under the instruction of the Board of Directors.

Article 41 (Staff) Secretarial can have a Secretary-General and some staff members.

Article 42 (Secretary-General)

¨çSecretary-General is appointed by Chairman with the approval of the Board of Directors.

¨èSecretary-General handles the affairs of the Association under the instruction of the Board of Directors.

¨éStaff members of the Secretariat are appointed by Chairman.

¨êStaff members of the Secretariat deal with the affairs of the Association under the instruction of the Secretary-General.

Chapter ¥¸ Additional Clause

Article 43 (Dissolution) The dissolution of the Association should be resolved with the consent of over two thirds of the registered Members and reported to the Minister of Culture and Public Information.

Article 44 (Remainder of Budgetary Resources) When the Association is dissolved, its remaining property is donated to State or Local Autonomous Bodies or corporatoins similar to the Association upon the resolution of the General Assembly.

Article 45 (Revision of the Article of Association)

¨çRevision of the Articles of Association is made by the resolution of the General Assembly and the Board of Directors with the consent of over two thirds of the Member and Directors in attendance respectively.

¨èRevision of the Articles of Association stipulated in the preceding Paragraph should be granted by the Minister of Culture and Public Information.

Article 46 (Projects and Budget Plans, etc.)

¨çThe Association should submit the following documents to the Minister of Culture and Public Information within two month after the closing of each fiscal year:

1.Plan of projects and estimate of income and expenditure year.

2.Documents of project performance and statement of income and expenditure corresponding to the Association's fiscal year:

3.List of assets and a certified copy of the register at the end of the corresponding operational year.

4.Transition in personnel.

¨èWhen registrations are made for the establishment of a corporation and other purposes in accordance with Articles 49 and 55 of Civil Law, certified copies of such registrations should be submitted to the Minister of Culture and Public Information with ten days after each registration.

Article 47 (Rules) Rules relating to the following matters will be formulated for the Association by the resolution of the Board of Directors:

¨çMatters relating to organization and management of Chapters:

¨èMatters relating to organization and management of the Secretariat:

¨éMatters relating to convocation and operation of conventions:

¨êOther matters relating to the Articles of Association and the management of the Association.


¨çThe Articles of Association enter into force upon the approval the Minister of Culture and Public Information.

¨èMatters that have not explicitly been stipulated in the Articles of Association are subject to customary practices.

  All Rights reserved under The Korean Fine Arts Association.