  Organization Chart
  Functional Structure
  Major Performance
  Ministry and Authorities Concerned
and Relevant Organizations
  Affiliated Organizations
  List of Branches
  Articles of Association I II III
  Articles of Association IV V VI
  Articles of Association VII VIII IX
Ministry and Authorities Concerned and Relevant Organizations

Ministry of Culture and Tourism: Art Promotion Section (Minister Kim Han-gil: Vice-minister Kim Sun-gyu: Director-General Roh Tae-seop: Director Baek Ik: Senior Clerk Kang Bong-seok: Official in charge Kim Yong-gwar)

Korean Institute for the Promotion of Culture and Art: N\Literature and Fine Arts Team (Director Kim Jeong-ok: Secretary-General Lee Jin-bae: Team Leader

Kim Yeong-jung)

National Modern Art Museum: Exhibition Section (Section Chief Oh Gwang-su, Exhibition Section Chief Na jong-min)

Special Metropolitan City of Seoul: Section for Cultural Affairs (Section Chief Kim Sang-beom: Official in charge Jeon Sang-hi)


  All Rights reserved under The Korean Fine Arts Association.