  Organization Chart
  Functional Structure
  Major Performance
  Ministry and Authorities Concerned
and Relevant Organizations
  Affiliated Organizations
  List of Branches
  Articles of Association I II III
  Articles of Association IV V VI
  Articles of Association VII VIII IX
Organization Chart

General Assembly




Honorary Chairman

Honorary Member

Special Committee of Art Property

Chairman of the Board of Directors

Board of Directors

Vice Chairman

Sectoral Committee of Oriental Painting

Sectoral Committee of Western Painting I

Sectoral Committee of Western Painting II

Sectoral Committee of Sculpture

Sectoral Committee of Handicrafts

Sectoral Committee of Calligraphy

Sectoral Committee of Woodcut Print

Sectoral Committee of Review and Research

Sectoral Committee of Design

Sectoral Committee of Administration

Sectoral Committee of Video and Installation

Sectoral Committee of Scholastic Painting

Steering Committee

Planning Commitee

International Relations Committee

Projents Committee

Finance Committee

Policy Committee

Chapter Management Committee

Special Committee

Committee for Developing Nation-wide Branches and Chapters

Committee for Promoting Information System

Committee for Research in Formative Arts

Committee for Advancing Education in Fine Arts

Committee for Promoting World-wide Coalition of Korean Artists

Committee for Promoting Inter-Korean Exchange of Fine Arts

Committee for Young Artists

Committee for Promoting the Establishment of Fine Arts Library

Committee for Developing Policy Recommendations in Fine Arts and Culture

Standing Committee Member

Executive Director


Gangwon-do Provincial Branch

Gyeonggi-do Provincial Branch

Gyeongsangnam-do Provincial Branch

Gyeongsangbuk-do Provincial Branch

Jeollanam-do Provincial Branch

Jeollbuk-do Provincial Branch

Jeju-do Provincial Branch

Chungcheongnuk-do Provincial Branch

Chungcheongnam-do Provincial Branch

Metropolitan Gwangju Branch

Metropolitan Daegu Branch

Metropolitan Daejeon Branch

Metropolitan Busan Branch

Metropolitan Ulsan Branch

Metropolitan Incheon Branch

  All Rights reserved under The Korean Fine Arts Association.