  Organization Chart
  Functional Structure
  Major Performance
  Ministry and Authorities Concerned
and Relevant Organizations
  Affiliated Organizations
  List of Branches
  Articles of Association I II III
  Articles of Association IV V VI
  Articles of Association VII VIII IX
Articles of Associations

Formulated on December 18, 1961/Revised on February 2, 1963/Revised on February 20, 1965/Revised on March 8, 1965/Revised on April 17, 1974/Revised on April 24, 1976/Revised on April 23, 1983/Revised on April 27, 1984/Revised on February 26, 1987/Revised on February 26, 1988/Revised on January 31, 1990/Revised on January 29, 1991/Revised on February 27, 1993/Revised on February 25, 1994/Revised on July 8, 1996/Revised on April 4, 1997/Revised on February 17, 2001  

Chapter I General Provisions

Article 1 (Title) This organization is referred to as Korean Fine Arts Association (Abbreviated as 'the Association')

Article 2 (Site) The Main Office of the Association is located in Special Metropolitan City of Seoul: Branches are established in Metropolitan Cities and Provinces and Chapters can be set up in cities, counties and wards and abroad: however, Main Office has jurisdiction over Seoul.

Article 3 (Objective) The objective of the Association is to enhance the nation's fine arts: to advocate the rights and interests of the artists: to facilitate the international exchange of fine arts, and: to promote the cooperation among the artists.

Article 4 (Projects) The Association undertakes the following projects in order to achieve the objectives described in Article 3:

¨çProjects relative to creative activities

¨èProjects relative to publication and public awareness

¨éProjects relative to international exchange of fine arts

¨êOther projects appertaining to the projects described in the above three paragraphs

Chapter II Membership

Article 5 (Qualification) The Association consists of the members who, having specialized in fine arts and approved by the Board of Directors upon the recommendation of relevant Sectoral Committees, accede to it. However, the Board of Directors can appoint as Honorary Members those persons from all walks of life who are deemed capable of contributing to the development of the Association.

Article 6 (Members' Rights) Members have the right to participate in the operation of the Association through the General Assembly. However, Honorary Members can only state their opinions at the General Assembly.

Article 7 (Members' Obligations) Members assume the following obligations:

¨çObservance of the Articles of Association and other regulations

¨èObservance of the decisions made by the General Assembly and the Board of Directors

¨éPayment of membership fees and other charges: however, the Members of the age of 70 or more are exempt from membership fees.

Article 8 (Withdrawal of Membership) Members who want to withdraw their membership should submit a letter of withdrawal to the Chairman.

Article 9 (Sanctions) Members who do not observe the objectives of the Association and the duties stipulated in Article 7 are subject to sanctions upon resolution by the Board of Directors. Sanctions include expulsion, suspension of rights and reprimand. Provided, non-payment for over six years incurs expulsion.

Article 10 (Rewards) Those who contributed to the development of the Association and the achievement of its objectives can be cited with rewards upon resolution by the Board of Directors.
Chapter III

Article 11 (Executives) The executives of the Association are as follows:

¨çone Chairman

¨èSeven Vice-Chairmen, one of whom will be elected from among Heads of Chapters

¨ésixty-one Directors(including Permanent Director), five of whom will be elected from among Heads of Directors

¨êtwo Auditors

Article 12 (Advisors)

¨çThe Association can appoint a certain number of Advisors.

¨èAdvisors are elected form among the Members upon the recommendation of the Board of Directors and with the approval of the General Assembly.

¨éThe Association can appoint a certain number of Permanent Advisors and one Senior Permanent Advisor from among the Advisors.

Article 13 (Election of the Executives)

¨çChairman, Vice-Chairmen and Auditors are elected by the General Assembly. The elections of Chairman and Vice-Chairmen are conducted at the same time.

¨èDirectors are elected by the nomination of the Board of Directors and with the approval of the General Assembly.

Article 14 (Terms of Office)

¨çExecutives have a term of three years. Provided, Chairman can not have two successive terms.

¨èWhen a vacancy occurs among the Executives (excluding Chairman), a new Executive will be elected by the nomination of the Board of Directors and with the approval of the General Assembly: the newly elected Executive will remain in office during the remainder of his predecessor's term.

Article 15 (Chairman) Chairman represents the Association, oversees the management of the Association and presides over the General Assembly and the Board of Directors.

Article 16 (Vice-Chairman) Vice-Chairmen are respectively charged with the responsibilities of Steering, Planning, International Relations, Projects, Finance, Policy and Chapters in assisting Chairman. They act on behalf of Chairman in case of the latter's incapacitation in the order of Vice-Chairmen for Steering, Planning and International Relations.

Article 17 (Directors) Directors participate in the meetings of the Board of Directors to make decisions on all matters relating to the management of the Association. Permanent Director manages the decisions made by the Board of Directors and the operational affairs of the Association in assisting Chairman.

Article 18 (Auditors)

¨çAuditors will perform the following duties:

1.Audit the financial position of the Association:

2.Audit the management and operational affairs of the General Assembly and the Board of Directors:

3.Demand the Board of Directors or the General Assembly to rectify any irregularity or impropriety found in the course of the audits stipulated in the above two paragraphs and report it to the Minister of Culture and Public Information:

4.Demand the convocation of the General Assembly or the Board of Directors, if necessary in demanding or reporting as prescribed in the preceding paragraph:

5.Present themselves at the General Assembly or the Board of Directors to state their opinions.

¨èAuditors will conduct the audits more than twice a year.

¨éPersons who have a kinship provided for in Article 777 of Civil Law or within the t hird degree with Auditor or Executives are disqualified to become Auditor.  

  All Rights reserved under The Korean Fine Arts Association.